Important conversations are taking place right now in Revenant, both internally and with some external collaborators. We are thinking carefully about our approach to marketing and community growth and what the right steps are for Battle of Olympus. We are also thinking about these things in light of our currently ongoing work on tokenomics. Expect to hear from us more about these things in the near future!
- Friday, Jun 23, 2023
- Battle of Olympus – Dev Diary #9
- Saturday, Jun 24, 2023
- Game Night at 8 PM CET on our Discord channel
Coming This Week
Huge dev update is coming your way! Sure, we worked on sounds and effects and new weapons, but much more importantly, we are finalizing our work on the PvP mode. More on that at the end of the week! In the meantime, look to our social media for small dev updates and sneak peaks.
Come top off the week with some chill game time. Our traditional bi-weekly game night takes place at 8 PM, right in our Discord channel!