Welcome to the TitanBorn Dev Diary, a series dedicated to giving the community a behind-the-scenes look into the process of creating a game from the perspective of the game developers.
In Dev Diary #12, we’ll tell you all about what we’ve been building for the past 2 weeks:
- Combos, combos, combos
- Towers progress (PvE)
- Coming up next…
With only a few more days ago and more than 45000 matches played so far, we think it’s safe to say this TitanBorn championship, the first one in many, was a major success. We are eager to crown our first champion and give out rewards! You have a few more days, so if you are gunning for #1 – now is the time!
Combos, combos, combos
Near, far, whereeeever you are
I believe that the combo goes oooon
Once more you press play to go
And you’re here in my range
And my hammer will go on and ooooooon
More ranged attacks are on their way! This time, we made it a little harder to dodge.
Make sure to follow the project’s social media and join the Discord to be notified when the team finally starts our own TitanBorn-themed cover band!
Towers progress (PvE)
As the ancients say, TitanBorn wasn’t built in a day…
Lots of progress made, we are currently tweaking the lighting as you can see.
What about the numbers? What!? No, no, no, my dear fellow, no, no, no.
We make it shiny first, then we release it crappy and let players come up with the perfect rebalance themselves and release that as an update. Elementary game development in 2023, my dear fellow, elementary!
Jokes aside, we are crunching the numbers in the background, but you can’t really showcase that easily so we’ll wait for the full thing to be built before we unveil it to the community in another demo update. Which will be soon.
We definitely didn’t get the approval to say there’s about 75% chance of that happening in the next 2 weeks. The notes from the devs specifically say not to promise that, so we won’t say that.
Coming up next…
We have plenty more to showcase in our Discord and on social media. In the meantime, keep playing the demo and giving us your feedback, and grind in the championship! Remember, it’s not over until you win Sing with me (Sing!), sing for the year (Sing it!) Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear (Come on!)…
That being said, here is what we plan to work on in the following two weeks:
Until then,
Game on, Titans!