Welcome to the Battle of Olympus Dev Diary, a series dedicated to giving the community a behind-the-scenes look into the process of creating a game from the perspective of the game developers.
In Dev Diary #8, we’ll tell you all about what we’ve been building for the past 2 weeks:
- Game speed increase
- More attacks
- PVE tower challenge mode
- Coming up next…
Game speed increase
One piece of feedback we received was about the game speed. We deliberately slowed the pace down, focusing on hit timings, effects, and other details and likely lost the feel for it during the crunch to release the demo update. Looking at the game now, we agree – it could use speeding up. That’s one of the first things we did.
More attacks
Sometimes you just need to launch someone into the stratosphere. You just need that and that’s valid. We gave you the ability to do that now. You do with that what you think is right…
…which is to launch your opponent straight into the upper atmosphere. But, just in case that isn’t enough we also gave you the option to perform a kneecap-ectomy on your opponent.
PVE tower challenge mode
We’ve committed to Battle of Olympus having a PvE mode, but the difficult part is implementing it slowly. We want to feel our way into it, test, receive your feedback, iterate, improve – all the way up to release.
To that effect, we are preparing a small PvE corner of Battle of Olympus to start with. This is just a small sneak peek. We intend to release more details on our socials and in the following dev diaries.
Coming up next…
With the new demo released, it’s time to tweak. So we’ll keep doing that for a bit while we continue building! Pay close attention to the Battle of Olympus Twitter and join our Discord channel to be notified of all changes asap. As always, we look forward to your input!
Here is what we plan to work on for the next 2 weeks:
Until then,
See you in Olympus!